Maple Tool1.mws

Maple Tool 1

This worksheet illustrates the process described in Section 5.2 for obtaining an approximate solution of the initial value problem

diff(v(t),t) = g-c*v(t)^2   with   v(0) = 0 .

>    with(plots):with(DEtools):

For drops of diameter 0.05 inches or approximately 0.004 feet, the value of c  is.


>    c:=0.115;

c := .115

We enter a value for g  in feet per second squared:

>    g:=32.2;

g := 32.2

We consider the velocity of the drop for the first two seconds. The time step Delta = Delta*t  is determined by the number of divisions n  of the 2-second time interval.

>    Delta:=2/n;

Delta := 2/n

>    t:=k->k*Delta;

t := proc (k) options operator, arrow; k*Delta end proc

We plot the approximate solution together with the slope field for the differential equation.

>    DE:=diff(v(t),t)=g-c*v(t)^2;
sfield:=dfieldplot(DE,[v(t)], t=0..2, v=0..25):%;

DE := diff(v(t),t) = 32.2-.115*v(t)^2

[Maple Plot]

We do the first two steps in the approximation individually.

>    n:=10;

>    v[2]:=v[1]+(g-c*v[1]^2)*Delta;

n := 10

v[0] := 0

v[1] := 6.440000000

v[2] := 11.92610720

Now we calculate the all the steps.

>    n:=10;
v := proc(k)

>         v(k) := v(k-1)+(g-c*v(k-1)^2)*Delta;

>    end:                                                  

>    v(0):= 0:

n := 10

Delta := 1/5

Check the values for v[1]  and v[2] .

>    v(1);



Plot the approximate solution for n  steps.

>    solution:=[seq([t(k),v(k)],k=0..n)]:
solPlot := plot(solution, t=0..2, v=0..25, style=POINT,symbol=circle, color=blue, thickness=2): %;

[Maple Plot]

We compare this approximate solution with the slope field.

>    display(sfield,solPlot);

[Maple Plot]

We also compare the approximate solution to the symbolic solution stated in Section 5.1.

>    V:=t->sqrt(g/c)*(1-exp(-2*sqrt(g*c)*t))/(1+exp(-2*sqrt(g*c)*t));

V := proc (t) options operator, arrow; sqrt(g/c)*(1-exp(-2*sqrt(g*c)*t))/(1+exp(-2*sqrt(g*c)*t)) end proc

Start with n = 10  and then double the number n  of calculation steps. (The following block of commands repeats all the essentials from above.)

>    n:=80;
v := proc(k)

>         v(k) := v(k-1)+(g-c*v(k-1)^2)*Delta;

>    end:                                                  

>    v(0):= 0:

solPlot := plot(solution, t=0..2, v=0..25, style=POINT,symbol=circle, color=blue):

>    Vplot:=plot(V(t),t=0..2, color=green,thickness=2):
display(Vplot, solPlot);

n := 80

Delta := 1/40

[Maple Plot]

Go back to the most recent definition of n , and double twice more, comparing the symbolic and numerical solutions each time you double the number of calculation steps.

